Prepare Your Pooch to be Home Alone
Can you believe the summer is almost over? Who is ready to leave home and go back to the workplace this fall? Wow, the sound of crickets is overwhelming! Working from home definitely has its advantages, especially for our pets. Alas, we need to start preparing our pets for the next big transition– going to the office – while we're still home.
If your dog didn't have separation issues pre-pandemic, time to check in on how they behave now when home alone. Set up a Zoom, Skype, Facetime, or Google Meet for yourself. Position a laptop or tablet facing your dog with the microphone and video on. Sign into the meeting on your laptop or tablet AND your phone. Make sure your phone is muted and video is off so as not to distract your pets.
Leave home and walk away from your door. Observe your dog via your phone. Does your dog show any concern, or is everything ‘situation normal’? Dogs’ concern can range from pacing, panting, stress yawning, and drooling, to vocalization and destruction. If you see concern, return immediately and reach out to a force-free trainer – better yet, someone certified in separation anxiety – now.
Wondering about your dog’s body language? Record the meeting, time stamp the video, and ask your trainer to review the video for you.
If your dog needs home alone training, now is the time to start! It's important to keep your dog below threshold when treating separation anxiety. This often means that your dog cannot be left home alone during the behavior modification program. If you wait to train until you are going to the workplace more frequently, this means you will have to pay for pet sitters or doggie daycare. You'll save money in the long run if you start working on separation anxiety while you're still working from home.
Wondering what separation anxiety training entails? After returning a behavior intake form, your trainer meets with you online. During the initial session, you and your trainer discuss separation anxiety in general and how it affects your pet. Your trainer will observe your pet while you practice departures. Your trainer sends you five day’s worth of departure exercises for the week. Next, your trainer will meet with you online either weekly or every-other-week for live coaching. You'll receive weekly departure exercises to practice for the duration of the separation anxiety training package.
Why online? Your trainer needs to observe your dog without influencing your dog's behavior. Separation Anxiety training has been online even pre-pandemic.
With vaccinations on the horizon this past winter, I anticipated separation anxiety would become a parallel pandemic when folks left home more. To prepare for this, I enrolled in Julie Naismith's Separation Anxiety trainer program this past spring. I have successfully completed the program and passed the client practical exam. My new credentials are SAPro which stand for Separation Anxiety Professional.
Now I can't wait to bring you a separation anxiety training plan! I'm offering private separation anxiety packages now and an online group class experience, Canine Cord Cutters — Independence Training, this August. Let's go!
Approved SAPro Trainer Jackie Moyano