How to Feed a Dog Treats

Feeding dogs treats; it seems so simple, but it’s not easy! This post contains written and video tips on how to feed your dog to encourage better behavior.

Dogs who Jump

If we hesitate before feeding our dogs or move towards our dogs too slowly, many dogs will jump up to snatch that treat. By changing the way we present treats to dogs, we can encourage them to keep four paws on the floor.

If your dog has learned to offer a sit after a jump, what should you do? If your dog jumps and then sits, don’t feed your dog. Feeding your dog after this jump-sit behavior will encourage more jump-sit behavior. Instead, ask your dog to stand and try again. 

Below is a video of one person feeding a group of dogs who are quite familiar with one another. If there are dogs who resource guard in the group, do not feed in this manner. Contact a force-free trainer for more advice regarding resource guarding.

Dogs who Bite when taking Treats

Ever wonder if you’re feeding your dog a treat or feeding a shark? Teach your dog to lick your hand rather than bite your hand when feeding treats. 

Last but Not Least, Hands Off! 

Finally, many of us reach for our dogs after feeding them treats. Oftentimes, folks pat their dog on the head. It’s a human thing to do, we can’t help it! However, most dogs do not like being patted on their heads. When we do something the dog dislikes after feeding him/her a treat, we’ve just devalued that treat and our training a bit. 

So next time you feed your dog a treat, quickly bring your hands back and resist the urge to pat your dog on the head. 

Need some individual advice regarding your dog? A Behavior United trainer is only a click away!