Does Your Dog Jump on Guests? Do This!

Jumping: why do dogs do it? Jumping is often an attention-seeking behavior. Yelling, kneeing your dog in the chest, and pushing your dog down is giving your dog attention. If you enjoy wrestling and roughhousing with your dogs, how are they to know the difference between kneeing and pushing to decrease jumping and wrestlemania? 

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Same Dog New Side Hustle

Stock up. Take stock of how well behaved your dog is. Find the areas in need of improving and sign up for a group dog training class. Need a strong foundation? Sign up for a beginner class. Do you have some training under your belt and need to address a specific behavior challenge? Find an advanced class teaching solution-specific skills. 

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Does Your Dog have a Ghost Story?

When you adopted your dog or cat, did he come with a ghost story? We're always curious about our adopted pets' previous lives. Where did they come from? How did they end up in a shelter or rescue? Who abused this dog to cause him to slink every time he sees a man? Sometimes we know our pets' background stories and sometimes we embellish them. 

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Kickbacks in Dog Training

When I was a respiratory therapist, I used to see referral programs between doctors’ offices, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals. However, there are measures in place that regulate such practices.  So what does this have to do with dog training? Well, locally, I'm seeing kickbacks between trainers, daycares, and shelters. 

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